Thursday, September 4, 2008


Actually, teaching is not only teaching through lectures and explanations about the language. Now is very common tu use computers in classes, and this paper is about the use od computers and how they can be managed by the teachers, and how their own movements or reaction about the thinks that they see as teacher, can influence the way of learning of the students.
Is proposed "instructional scaffolds", which means: "a) what appears on the screen can be viewed as reducing the size of the task so the child can complete it; b) what appears on the screen and what changes to it are possible can be viewed as keeping the child's attention in the moment; c) what appears on the screen can facilitate making salient relevant features; and d) what the teacher says and does in reaction to what appears on the screen can be viewed as modeling ways to accomplish."
Things like visual or aural aspects of language can be manipulated by the computer, that are manipulated by the teacher in a class in which computers are used for teaching and learning.
Oral and written language is the main problem for learning a second language, besides the abilities that the students have for learning to use a language and about it.
The analysis of what children need in a context of learning languages can helpo them to participate, and also equipped schools motivate students to learn a L2, more than those schools that do not have or it is not enough. This could be a good process od inclusion, and take exclusion away.
We have to consider that good teachers continue the influence of school success.
Scaffold: The activities that the teacher creates around a computer for teaching students of ESL for understanding the language of classes and the use of it in the school.

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