To involve students in what they are interested is very important, and an excellent way for them to learn.
That is the objective of this theory, and the text ESL/EFL TEACHING explains how use it and how it can be used effectively.
In the kind of students that I want to teach (highschool) this is important and useful. To keep motivated students is difficult, but not impossible, and I consider that students want to talk about what affects their lives everyday, but we have to consider that teacher have to be sensitive about what they consider appropiate to teach through content, and that the "issue" has to be interesting for all the students.

My classmates and I had to expose about this topic, and the activity we created was about something that all of us consider interesting, and a big deal: FOOD. Fortunately this activity created an enviroment of debate and opinion... and that was the idea.
But I want to ask something about this topic: HOW CAN WE FIND THE ISSUES THAT STUDENTS ARE INTERESTED IN?
Great blog with nice pictures.
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I believe that the answer to your final question is this: GET TO KNOW your students... once we start to learn about them, we can begin to find the things that matter to them. Then, we can exploit these topics all we can to get students interested....
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