Sunday, October 12, 2008


We stayed in Pasco for 3 days, and we had the possibility to see different schools, and the same time we realized about the different methods that teachers use with their students.

I think that learning in those schools is very effective, and the results that they have got are ver significant.

First we visited an elementary school. It was special because three different languages are spoken: English, Spanish and Russian. There was intactive classrooms, computers and resources for creating different things in the class.

The next 2 days, we visited Pasco High School, and we had the possibilty to stay in a class. In my case, I stayed in Biology class. I felt very comfortable, the teacher explained my about the system of the school, how teachers work together for creating a good school. Besides, we could see the different resources and how they manage the biggest school in Washington State. it is a evry hard work, but at the moment it has been very effective, and the results also have been very good. Congratulations to all the staff in Pasco High School. I must mention that they were very nica, we felt very comfortable in that school. Thanks!!

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